UV intensity(um/cm2):10-12
Center wavelength(nm):365
Curing area: 63cm—11cm
Power ratings: 20W(Double pipes)
Ultraviolet classification: A、Ultraviolet A (UVA)Wavelength is320-400nm.
Characteristics:strong penetrability. Applied to industrial manufacturing, bill detection and ore identification. Accepting longtime lighting can cause skin darkening. It is also the necessary light source of curing UV glue.
B、Ultraviolet B(UVB)Wavelength is275-320nm.
Characteristics:Medium penetrability. Accepting longtime lighting can cause skin irritation and shedding after darkening.
C、Ultraviolet C(UVC)Wavelength is200-275nm.
Characteristics:weakest penetrability. It cannot penetrate glass and plastic materials, however, which is the most harmful to human body. Accepting longtime lighting can cause skin cancer. It is widely used in medical sterilization.
D、Ultraviolet D(UVD)Wavelength is100-200nm.
Characteristics: weak penetrability. Applied to detect microorganisms.